Friday, August 17, 2007


Hi, I have no time to write my blog because I am too busy being with my North American visitors. This morning we were talking about the things they learned in Paraguay, and I hope they don’t mind if I write some of those things here in my own words. Kathy Sulja said she admired the unity of the church people here. J.C. learned that sometimes it’s important to give up some of your “rights” and just be humble. Although she has never considered teaching as a possible career before, Elysha has realized that it could be where God is leading her (maybe teaching in Paraguay!). The other tall Kathy talked about depending on God’s power and not her own plans (probably because things are so unpredictable here sometimes). Bianca noted the strong presence of God’s spirit at our prayer meeting on Wednesday night. I think out of everyone, Jason has been the most affected by his time in Paraguay. He has thought lot about the possibility of returning and he almost cried when my fourth-grade class in the morning sang a farewell song to him. I keep thanking God that I have such wonderful guests who never complain about anything…well, until a little bit today when it suddenly turned cold again. We are all huddled in my house drinking tea as I write this today. I became quite sentimental washing the lunch dishes today. My house was so full and loud and I had to use every dish and spoon that was in the house. I guess then I’ll say I’ve experienced what a blessing it is to have company, even in my house where I only have 7 forks and we have to share glasses and use Rubbermaid bins as chairs. I do have to say though, that I am really glad that tomorrow is Saturday and we’re going to lunch at Karen’s house! It is sad as well, because the boys will be leaving. Before they leave though, we are going to prepare a bilingual Bible trivia game for church tomorrow night…I’m going to go do that right now!

I miss you already.
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